Friday, January 1, 2010

All things must pass .......

Well another year has gone .... it's been a year full of ups, downs and everything in between.

There a few things I hope / pray and resolve to do next year.

1.  Enjoy more time with my kids. I can spend time with them - but I want to enjoy my time with them. I think a huge part of that is working out what we can do together and secondly to relax and just go with the flow. I think I'm so used to many things turning to chaos quickly that I wait and try and head of the next disaster before it happens more than I just enjoy the moment.

2. For the Kids to enjoy health and happiness. I hope both of my kids enjoy good health and happiness this year. For Lachie I just hope he continues to come out of his shell a bit and to gain confidence in himself. I've notice that when he tries to speak to people other than us he really whispers and is so shy about speaking. I think he knows people have a lot of trouble understanding his 'babble' and I hope that this year he continues to learn and to just enjoy life and have fun. For Ellie, I hope that she continues to grow into a confident and clever little girl who has interest in everything! She has taught me so much and she has really given me a new perspective on Lachie.

3. Continue to study. I've started my Bachelor of Behavioural Science through Swinburne and gotten through the 1st term well only by studying when the kids are asleep, very proud of that.. so I hope to continue to work at that goal and not give in.

4. Make time for friends!!!! I find it really hard to make time for friends which is really making time for me. I ALWAYS feel better when I've spent time with a friend. It can be easy to postpone and put things off when life get's hard - but maybe that's when you need a friend most. Maybe that's just part of me, not really showing the 'reality' of my life to people.

5. Get fitter. I used to be a LOT fitter. I used to ride a bike all the time - it's just another 'non essential' that can be dropped when you have no time but I used to feel so much healthier and fitter.

So ... that's it really. Here comes another year.
I inhale before heading into the hard bits, and I look forward to the good bits!
All things must pass - even if we don't want them to - or can't wait for them to.

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